Some credit cards can save you money or give you cost-cutting special offers. For example, when renting a vehicle, some credit companies offer free upgrades and services when using their card on your rental.

Almost all car rental locations require you to use a credit card when reserving a vehicle. This is because your credit card serves as a security payment in case the worst happens. Since you will need to use a credit card for your rental anyways, make sure to use the one that gives you the most benefits.

Renting a Car? Top Credit Cards for Rentals
credit cards for drivers

The Platinum Card from American Express is a popular choice when renting a vehicle. For one, Hertz rental company provides discounts for reservations with an American Express Platinum Card. Cardmembers can get vehicle-class upgrades and late fee waivers for up to four hours.

American Express also provides rental car insurance up to $75,000. If you use your Platinum Card, you can save money by declining the rental company’s insurance. However, this coverage is not available for all vehicles.

Chase Sapphire Reserve provides rental insurance in most countries, including Jamaica and Ireland, which are very expensive areas for car insurance. The insurance covers damage and theft up to $75,000. Avis, National Car Rental, and Silvercar have special benefits for Chase Sapphire Reserve cardmembers.

Business and World Elite from Capital One have comprehensive car insurance policies but have annual fees. Capital One has other Visa and Mastercard options that are free and have basic coverage.

More worried about being stranded on the road than renting a car. Continue reading to discover which cards offer complimentary roadside assistance.